Reality: the aftertaste
tastes like wonderland
Monday, October 30, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Mike & Yen's Wedding
Finally the big day for Yen and Mike ~ how excitement!
As us girls woke up mega early to be at Yen's parents' place by 6am, the boys were still in bed at the apartment only to wake up at 8am to play xbox.
It was so much fun to chat, giggle and eat without ruining our makeup as we got ready and took photos. Helping Yen into her dress was a complete riot.
From this... this.

The weather was beautiful and the setting and music was perfect. Yen looked gorgeous and seeing Michael at the end of the red carpet grinning like a freakin' lunatic was absolutely classic. Seriously one of the best weddings I've been to. Short, sweet, simply beautiful and a true reflection of the new husband and wife.
The teary, sneezey, "all look alike" bridesmaids
Matilda Bay
The setting and view at Matilda Bay Restaurant was beautiful and intimate. But most importantly, the food was so good and tasty. Everyone I spoke to said it was excellent and damn, how good was the bread?! Our lovely waiter even brought around some more for us after he saw how quickly we wolfed ours down.
"It's like we've never eaten bread before" - Bonnie
All the best to you guys! I hope you had an amazing day and thank you for allowing us to share it with you. We couldn't be any happier for you both! xox
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Happy Birthday Sarah
Went to Northbridge for a very filling Italian dinner before heading to The Brass Monkey for Sarah's birthday. Good times, good laughs. Haven't been out to Northbridge with those girls for a very long time. And suddently there is a big, grassy patch where Redheds/Pallas used to be.
All we were missing was 'Chips'. Thanks for the great night ladies. It's been far too long.

Happy Birthday sweetie ~ hope you had a good one!
Friday, October 13, 2006
Food my friend
Lunch with Rui - Ohnamiya's yummy chicken udon

I decided to cook dinner for Brendon and his sister. Tonight's menu was napolitana pasta (it was instant pasta, don't get too excited), blanched broccoli and asparagus, roasted herb potato wedges and pan-fried lamb (marinated in some BBQ spices I found in the pantry).
and ofcourse dessert...
Either I'm an awesome cooking sensation of a girlfriend or I just have way too much time on my hands. Me thinks the latter.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Perth Royal Show
I haven't been to the Royal Show since high school. I think the last showbag I ever got was the Stick & Pop bag and the healthy Yellow Brick Road box.
The Royal Show is held every year for one week during the spring holidays. It's kinda like the world expo (but on a MUCH smaller scale - much, much, much smaller!) and is more focussed on WA's agriculture and produce.
This year's guest nation was Japan and they had asked for volunteers to help out at the Japan Pavilion. So as a Hyogo Goodwill Envoy I volunteered and got free entry into the show.
It was nice to catch up with the others while wearing happi coats, chatting about what we missed about Japan and informing the crowds when ASIMO would be next apprearing. ASIMO, Honda's most advanced humanoid robot, could talk, dance, kick a soccer ball and put on a show for the kids.
Nice day for the family.
The samurai guy guarding the sake samples
Monday, October 02, 2006
Getaway - Part 2
Day 2
Woke up early for breakfast and started our spa treatments.
While we were waiting for our turn, Meng Yen and I busted out the Scrabble set.
How awesome are my letters - not.
The girls relaxing with tasty ginger tea after our full body massage, body scrub, vichy shower and colour therapy steam deck session.
Then we had our champagne lunch...
and headed to the Valley of the Giants for the tree top walk. Check it out if you ever get out there, the views are beautiful (not to mention the hot Brazilian tourists).
Then we drove to the beach to watch the sunset at Elephant Rocks and Greens Pool.
Then we had a lovely dinner at The Observatory.
Followed by drinks, manicures, Trivial Pursuit and loads of laughs.
Last Day

The drive was long and tiring but well worth it. Thanks for the awesome time girls, we should do it more often. Yen - I hope you enjoyed your hen's night and weekend away just as much as we did! "Roadtrip - WOO!"