Getting out
A few friends from Japan asked me if I'd keep my blog after I returned to Australia.
"Hmmm," I thought. "Well, it'll go something along the lines of...Today I went to the shops and bought milk and bread. The End." Not exactly exciting stuff. Just everyday occurrences in Japan made for interesting posts. Going to the shops to buy milk and bread would lead to an adventure of some sort.
"But we're not from Australia and we've never been there before. So you have to keep writing so we can decide if we want to visit you or not," they replied.
Okay, okay. But don't blame me if they're lame. I see my days ahead full of exciting things like organising a phone, car, doing clerical stuff like health insurance, car insurance and *smack in the face from reality* looking for a job.
I can now understand all the information we got about dealing with reverse-culture-shock, the importance of getting back into a routine, going out, catching up with family and friends. For me, the mere thought of being here and realising that I'm not on holiday and that I won't be returning to Japan anytime soon is simply depressing.
So here's to getting out and good friends.
Tonight we went to The Red Herring for Pamela's birthday. It was really good to see the girls again and catch up since Marina's wedding.

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