Happy (belated) Oz Day
Happy Oz Day!
Yes, I know I'm like a month late but here in Japan, a few of us Aussies have decided to unofficially proclaim (and celebrate) February 25th as Australia Day in Japan. We would have made it February 26th but it fell on a Sunday, and we couldn't have Oz day shinanigans on a Sunday night with school the next day, now could we?
First I went to the gym with Cheryl. I had my last street dance class for the month. We learnt some more steps to our routine and then got divided into groups and then did the whole routine together and even had a mexican-wave-action thing going at the end. It was classic. We also learnt the cowboy lasso move but my dance instructor called it the 'Boomerang' complete with "ton ton" sound effects - it was just way too funny.
After Cheryl and I stuck our Oz flag and AUS tattoos on, we walked out of the gym and had to pick up some stuff. For efficient time management we had to split up for a while as she bought some freshly baked bread from Marui-pan and real cheeses and olives from the foreign food store and I was sent to Co-Op to pick up some paper towels and tomato sauce for Lisa. Usually I go right under the radar and blend. However with an Oz flag tat on my cheek, I wasn't use to the stares. Cheryl said it was normal, but it must have been a real treat to see both of us together speaking in English.
We're even wearing Australian t-shirts - now that's worth an 'A' for effort
AND we found geraldton wax at the florist!
We headed to Lisa's place in Kakogawa where they were already starting up the takoyaki hotplate. Lisa - you are amazing! The takoyaki was totemo oishii and your chicken salad with balsamic dressing was 'totes awes'! (credit to geags & her little sister and their new word) We managed to fit about 15 people in one of her tatami rooms!
It was great to catch up with some people who I haven't seen for a long time and eat delicious food. I was so stuffed by the end of it. I made lamingtons and brought strawberries and Australian red wine.
Me & Chris with our lamingtons
Lisa and friends (sorry I forgot names) working the takoyaki hotplate
Sampling Lisa's takoyaki, chicken salad and Chris' awesome homemade sausage rolls
(From scratch! He even made the pastry!!)
After 1 glass of wine I became Super lamington Oz day girl ... or something like that
Cheryl with her scrumptious cheese platter

Lisa - Thanks for organising and having us over. Hope your night ended up with AC/DC and Barnesy karaoke. Okini!
LOL! That 6-pack you have! I just bought it at the Perth airport 1 week ago! It was so inexpensive! The emu beer is wonderfully light! Very reminiscent of the Japanese beers!
- Nami
Nami - How very random and coincidental. I'm not a fan of beer (Yeibisu gold, if I had to choose). Struan's mate brought it over for him from an Australian airport.
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