Non-stop eating machine
Went to Ohnamiya twice for dinner. Both times they were flat out but it was still good to have a quick chat to the crew and eat the food there. Go all the way back to Perth to eat Japanese food? Well, it's just not the same. I just can't get enough of it. Especially Mori-san's green tea pannacotta. I'm a loyal fan.
Home cooking is the best. Brendon's Mum made chicken rice one night and I ate way too much.
Also had a steamboat with my family and rellies. Again, ate way too much. Steamboat is like Japanese shabu-shabu or nabe, where you cook your own food by boiling it. We also had a hotplate so you can fry up your own stuff too.

Me & Seany
Had dinner at my Grandma's place one night. Roast pork and duck from the chinese shop and home cooked veges, omelette and soup. I miss drinking the many Cantonese soups with herbs, red seeds, dates, roots and things that look like bark that my Mum insists is good for me.
Mum, Grandma, me & Aunty Maggie
Bought KFC Zinger burgers and chips to my sister's place for lunch and played with the kids. Sean will grumble and cry, but once you pick him up he's peaceful and content. Callum made me a playdough cake, I read to him from our childhood storybooks "A piece of straw" (which happens to be a Japanese story) and "Each peach, pear, plum" and we danced the 'Shaky shaky bum bum dance' and the 'Fishy dance' which looks more like the robot. Callum doing the robot is classic. I couldn't stop laughing.
Callum & the blue playdough cake with matchstick candles
Bathtime for Sean
The Pingu outfit I bought Callum from Japan
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