Enjoying the company of others...
...family and friends.
During my trip back we also went to Rockingham to visit Brendon's old family friend, Aunt Gina. Aunt Gina has been a friend of their family since Brendon's Dad was studying at uni in Perth. She's also Brendon's sister's Godmother. With a great sense of humour, she is such a lovely lady with a big heart. She has also well travelled Japan and has friends around the country. We went to the Ploughmans for a homecooked roast lunch (lamb for me ofcourse although the beef and pork were also tasty), then finished with coffee and a chocolate cake she had baked the day before. Peope inspire you in the littlest of ways.
On Sunday it was hard saying goodbye again to my Church kids and friends. As soon as I had to hug them, I had to blink back tears, "When are you coming back?" "Are you leaving again?" "When will we see you again?" "But you just got here?"
See you in a year *blink blink*
I then met up with some friends at Kings Park for a BBQ lunch and random spurts of sports. Man I miss sausage sizzles. Thanks for organising Poe. We had bouts of footy, touch rugby, baseball and frisbee action. It was so good to be able to run around on lawn - soft, green grass. It's hard to find a nice patch of grass or field to play on in Japan without worrying about falling over and scraping your knees on the gravel pitches.
During my trip back we also went to Rockingham to visit Brendon's old family friend, Aunt Gina. Aunt Gina has been a friend of their family since Brendon's Dad was studying at uni in Perth. She's also Brendon's sister's Godmother. With a great sense of humour, she is such a lovely lady with a big heart. She has also well travelled Japan and has friends around the country. We went to the Ploughmans for a homecooked roast lunch (lamb for me ofcourse although the beef and pork were also tasty), then finished with coffee and a chocolate cake she had baked the day before. Peope inspire you in the littlest of ways.
On Sunday it was hard saying goodbye again to my Church kids and friends. As soon as I had to hug them, I had to blink back tears, "When are you coming back?" "Are you leaving again?" "When will we see you again?" "But you just got here?"
See you in a year *blink blink*
I then met up with some friends at Kings Park for a BBQ lunch and random spurts of sports. Man I miss sausage sizzles. Thanks for organising Poe. We had bouts of footy, touch rugby, baseball and frisbee action. It was so good to be able to run around on lawn - soft, green grass. It's hard to find a nice patch of grass or field to play on in Japan without worrying about falling over and scraping your knees on the gravel pitches.

Courtesy fo Poe's selection
Dan scores but then in true form, stacks it!
Bonnie, Yen and I were pretty good baseball players (thanks Coach Steve), even though we keep throwing the ball at each other. Sorry for hitting you Yen haha my bad! But it was a fun afternoon of eating and chilling - what I do best.
Me pitching to Yen (before I hit her - Gomen!)
Mike & Yen
Bonnie & Steve
Me & Frances - the esky warmers
The boys retarded game of "Let's see how much pain we can inflict on each other by ditching the frisbee at each other"
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