Jet Set's 5th Anniversary
I haven't really been out on Friday nights very often. Usually because after a week of work, I just want to have a nice relaxing sloth-of-a-night.
But not tonight. I met up with Bron, Dan, Maya and Michael (whom Maya and Bron met in Hawaii during Golden Week) and we were planning an all nighter.
Dan took us to an Indonesian restaurant - I forget the name but I will definately go back again. Their chicken satays and gado gado were super tasty (mecha mecha oishii). Afterwards we headed over to The Hub (nice to bump into Awaji Dan) and the Phoenix Vodka Bar for drinks then headed to Club Breath for Jet Set's (record store) 5th Anniversary event.
Headlining were Brennan Green, Jay Lee (although Michael decided to affectionatley call him Jay Zee), Hiroshi Kawanabe, Qotaroo, Yoi and DJ Peechboy. We only really saw the first 3 I think. It was good to be in that kind of environment again with flawless mixing, friendly happpy faces complete with crazy Japanese b-boyz who insisted on taking photos with us haha but the choice of music was a bit too 70's inspired for my liking. We needed more bass to dance to.
Before the first trains started up, we headed to Sukiya for a feeding of beef rice bowls - so much tastier at 4 in the morning don't you think? When we left the restaurant, the surreal morning sky was blue and bright with pink clouds accompanied by random karaoke singing floating through the air. Say what? Well we spyed a group of taxis parked along the street and the drivers were huddled in one taxi which had a small dvd flat screen and microphone in the passengers seat. I think they were taking turns for an early morning session of karaoke.
Another fun-filled but body-punishing all nighter under my belt.
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