Sunday, February 27, 2005

More visitors!

Before the tears could dry, I had two more visitors from back home.

Loreen and Felix came down my end of Japan and stayed for a few nights. They are on their way to London to do the whole working/holiday thing that most aussies do and decided to drop by Japan.

They arrived in Tokyo to check out the sights and stayed with Rui for a few nights. Then they shinkansen-ed (bullet train) it to Kobe. It was really good to have them here. They helped keep my mind off missing Brendon and I had fun catching up with them. Thanks guys!

Armed with their trusty Lonely Planet guidebook and hardcore-to-the-max itinerary, they managed to check out quite a few places, castles and temples. After school we'd meet up for dinner. We went out for Kobe beef and Izakaya - definately a must, and to Polo Dog where we bumped into some Awaji JETs.

On Saturday I joined them for a trek around Osaka. We went up to the Umeda Sky Building for the amazing view of Osaka. We didn't end up going to Osaka-jo (castle) because it was cold and rainy and SNOWING!! Plus after Kyoto, I think they were pretty castled/templed out.

Thanks guys for coming, I hope you guys had fun! Sorry if I was still emotionally raw but I really appreciate you guys helping me get back into the swing of things. I've already started thinking about all the old skool songs I'm going to put on my soon-to-be-purchased ipod mini hehe Have a safe flight and all the best for your adventures in the UK. Keep in touch! xox


At 11:19 pm, Blogger Christine said...

Hi Hidi!
Miss ya too sweetie =)
All the best with your honours!


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